The Master Blonde

  • His Butler, Regretful

    Sebastian hasn't regretted anything he performed, that is until he has to consume his masters soul once and for all.

  • Oh, Bonnibel!

    Marcelene has some... feelings... for Princess Bubblegum. Finn eventually gets the message when he helps the infamous Vampire Queen make a song. About Bonnibel. -BUBBLINE AHOY!- Reviews are always great, by the way.

  • Ciel's Poem

    "If I let you go, are you going to stay?" Ciel's poem to Sebastian.

  • Let Me Rest

    "Confused? Very. I wasn't sure if that had happened or not, for it happened too long ago to properly register it." SebastianxCiel fluff. -Review for more, if you'd like!-

  • Sympathy

    "You see, I'm a demon. I'm supposed to inflict pain on others, frighten my victims, and bring misery to this world. Yet, here I am, feeling sympathy for a HUMAN, much less feeling a human emotion at all."

  • Well, My Goodness Me!

    Sebastian is a demon, therefore he is slightly confused of the feelings towards his master that he is currently coping with. SebastianxCiel-ish poem.