
  • Future of the sea

    This is a story I wrote with my friend BobSaysHelloFromNL. Percy gets kidnapped by Hera, but instead of sleeping his father sends him to the future to protect Finnick Odair, son of Triton. Before HoO. FinnickxPercy.

  • The Legend

    Meet Mina Black, she isn't a normal teenager. she actually finds out she's "the legend" that means she's 3 people. she wants to find out more about herself, so she goes to New York, she doesn't know why, but she's got a good feeling about New York. Seth x Mina

  • Join the pack

    Seth got into a fight with his sister and he got so angry he left Forks, Edward gave him a airplane ticket, at the moment he didn't know what to do with it but now he knew exactly what to do... at the small town named Beacon hills he meets another pack, including a mysterious guy named Derek. DerekxSeth (Deth)