Meyers Marie

  • Love Dischord

    On her death bed, former singer Yuuki Ichinomiya reflects on her relationship with Tokyo's top CEO of robotic designs, Kaname Kuran, to their daughter, Haruhi - recounting a star-crossed love that has spanned over a course of twenty years. AU, AH. Yuuki/Kaname. Yuuki/OC. Rated M for explicit themes.

  • The Petals that Fall: Under Skies of Trees

    A Petals that Fall fiction. Bonus one-shot. Bash's feelings continue to grow towards Mary. When she helps him see he has freedom, he realizes that freedom would be better if they could have it together. A look further at Mary and Bash's childhood, as well as Bash's POV from chapter two. {Also published as chapter 26 of The Petals that Fall - will be taken down soon}

  • Forbidden fanfic: Helplessly

    a Darkest Powers sub fanfiction for the fan fic "Forbidden" by Eletha Landon. Derek didn't want to let Chloe go, didn't want to feel the shame, and guilt, and helplessness he was feeling - but what else could he do? Derek's POV after chapter 29, when Chloe told Derek she needed space away from him to think. Rated M for language and explicit themes. One-shot.