
  • Save me from myself

    Two years ago, something terrible happened to the Kurosaki family and Tsubaki is still haunted by it. Her brother Kyoya wants to protect her and save her from past nightmares, and soon he realizes that there is someone else who wants to protect his sister. Will he hand Tsubaki over to Yuuzan or will he push the elder Yoshida away? Rated T for safety. YuuzanOC

  • A life that I dreamt of

    The Shinobi War is over and Shiori is coming back home after destroying an army of Zetsu's clones. She steps into Tsunade's office and finds the love of her life standing there with their son in his arms. Her life could not get any better. Rated T just in case.. I get paranoid..ItachixOC

  • Her little world now even more beautiful

    Tsuna is getting married to Kyoko. Kohana is broken but she puts herself back together for the wedding. She was unaware that her Knight was there all along, guarding over her.