
  • The Eternal Supernova Theory

    She left everything she ever loved behind her, her surfacing mutations destroying all she knew. Now, Lorelei Harlow lives on her own, taking to the skies of New York City as a masked vigilante fighting for the weak, while running from the shadows of the past. But when she bumps into a renowned mutant leader and joins his team, she finds that her past is the least of her problems.

  • Fate of A Shooting Star: Comes Back to Haunt

    Chapter 2 of FASS series: Optimus Prime and his team jump straight into action as a series of ancient relics crash land on Earth, but is it all that safe to uncover the past so readily, when it was buried for a reason. And why does Aulora start to feel like she's being watched?

  • The Fate of A Shooting Star: Unveiling the Impossible

    Chapter 1 of FASS story: For Aulora, returning to Jasper, Nevada isn't just simply re-opening old wounds. It's bringing her back to her family she left behind so many years ago; back to Team Prime. And as she rejoins the Autobots, her world is catapulted off balance by the loss of a dear friend, and the discovery of an innate power very much alive.

  • The Fate of A Shooting Star: Tilted Axis

    Chapter 3 of FASS series: Team Prime's limits are pushed as they are met with the Decepticon's greatest force yet in the race for the remaining Iacon Relics, while Optimus Prime struggles with an unknown, yet fatal illness. Will Team Prime be able to keep the world safe while training a handful of new recruits? And will Aulora be able to find out who, exactly, is invading her mind?