Schwester Aurelia

  • The Brat and the Basket Maker

    Charles Xavier is enjoying the latest scientific journals when he is hit by a wave of his upcoming heat... Historical AU, Alpha/Omega, non-powered. Charles is a spoiled noble Omega and Erik is the peasant Alpha who is in the vincinity when Charles' heat catches up with him. Rated M for the themes, but no explicit content. Warning for spankings in some chapters. Enjoy!

  • In a better future

    New Chapter: Double Trouble Part III - the next morning. Glimpses of a future back in Pegasus where nobody dies. Various ficlets and drabbles in the SGA Universe. Mostly John/Rodney, but there will be others as well (Daniel/Jack for example). Sex mentioned, mostly slash, also spanking in some chapters. Enjoy!

  • Azazel, Number 1 Babysitter

    When Azazel is on a reconnaissance mission in Xavier Mansion he comes across someone unexpected... Originally posted for a prompt on xmfk. Canon compliant up to X-Men First Class.

  • Glimpses of happiness

    New chapter: Charles wants to have a Serious Conversation with Erik. Short ficlets and drabbles from the X-Men fandom. Mostly Charles/Erik, but there will be other characters and pairings. Enjoy!