
  • The Serenity Prayer

    Logan screwed up in 2007. He humiliated the only girl he ever loved, and she walked out of his life without a backwards glace. It's now 2013 and he overhears a conversation. He wants a chance to make things right, to start over. Now because of him the people he loves are in danger. How can he save her life, when Veronica doesn't want him to have to do have to do with his daughter?

  • I Scream Into the Night For You

    Draco has been a double agent since Graduation, and the only one who knows is Hermione. On the eve of the epic battle both discover certain things about each other. Will everything end well for the duo? M for Coarse launguage and sexual themes. Songfic.

  • Bleeding Love

    Ron and Harry find out that Hermione and Draco are dating, to say that they are unhappy is quite the understatement. Draco decides to just lay low. Hermione has other ideas. She is a Gryffindor after all. Songfic By Leona Lewis. See profile for more info.