The Witch With A Voice

  • Potter's Rebirth

    Potter never made it back out of the maze in his fourth year and nobody knows what happened to him. Skip forward and Draco is no longer a Malfoy, he joined the Order of the Phoenix and was disowned by his parents. A raid is planned to rescue people from the now abandoned Azkaban. It's supposed to be easy, but is anything ever 'easy' anymore? Rated for swearing mainly.

  • Karma

    This is a weird little fic I wrote at midnight. Basically Draco overused the 'Weasley is Our King' song and gets a little something in return. Rating is just to be safe and is probably overkill.

  • The Note

    I Am Gryffindor's original fic. So this is basically Harry's "good" idea on how to let the person he likes know he likes them. One Shot. Drarry.

  • Harry Potter's Theme Song

    Originally I Am Gryffindor's fic. This is basically a sponge bob theme song, Harry Potter style. Warning: High levels of cringiness ahead.

  • It could have been different

    What would have happened on the Astronamy Tower the night of Dumbledores death had Harry intervened? What would have happened if Harry extended his hand out to Draco? (Drarry, Rating may change. Read the authors note.)

  • The Grieving Day

    Death has been known to make deals to get people that cheat him to accept death. This is the story of one of said deals.