

  • Code Lyoko: Dark Harvest

    Ammon and Maria are the heirs to the Factory. With the original lyoko gang now gone (Refer to The Forsaken chapter 4), it falls on them to combat a looming threat. First day in the factory sees them dealing with a horrid issue that Jeremy never got rid of or thought to remove. A very dark yet funny fanfic.

  • Code Lyoko: Cake Chaos

    Odd tries to take a cake to Lyoko in honor of Aelita's first human birthday but ends up the cake instead. The same thing happens to yumi later. Consequences are very bloody and hilarious. Dark Comedy.

  • Code Lyoko: ten thousand year war

    This was the initial draft for what is now Dark Harvest. The idea was that a biological weapon (non XANA) got loose and crossbred human genes with Dino DNA. The war refers to Dark Harvest, this being the first chapter. I want to share what could have been. As it is, DH deals with a necromorph invasion. let me know if you want to help work on it. I'm open to doing so.

  • Burial at Sea: Sinners and Saints

    This is a What If and a rewrite of the God Awful ending to Episode 1 of BAS. Comstock gets to exact revenge on Elizabeth for trying to murder him. (For those that are unaware, there are multiple universes and not every comstock is aware of Columbia. This comstock is genuinely remorseful and never once acts evil) I suggest you play Infinite and BAS before reading

  • Code Lyoko: The Dare

    I'm taking a break from any major stories for a bit but I hope this suffices for the time being. Ultich, now an adult, is given a beer dare with a mystery ingredient. Chaos ensues

  • Code Lyoko: Heart of Ice

    Yumi has acquired PTSD during the years spent fighting XANA and Pandora's box has been opened with regards to her treatment at school. Sissi's life will never be the same

  • Code Lyoko: Heart of Ice

    After four years worth of trauma, Yumi reaches her despair event horizon and finds herself in her own personal hell. She snaps and the consequences are horrifying. This is not a crackfic, its my take on what would happen if the events portrayed were realistic. A very depressing one shot

  • Patrick: the complete works

    An anthology of my best Patrick (or dammit Patrick if you prefer) stories, completely rewritten and improved. Review, Enjoy and Stay safe. As of now, there is only one story but more are coming. Chapter 1: Patrick's massage Chapter 2: The nuclear alternative Chapter 3: The Patty that Time forgot Chapter 4: TBD

  • Code Lyoko: Breakdown

    To protect the factory, Aelita sacrifices it all. This starts a chain of horrific events that she could not possibly comprehend. She loses the love of her life and her best friends want her dead. Very depressing

  • Code Lyoko: Breakdown

    Aelita's desire to defend the factory from prying eyes causes a horrid chain of events that end with Aelita's exile...if Yumi doesn't kill her first.

  • War of the Worlds: Shadow of Fear

    When the Martians launch a second invasion of Earth in the year 3202, the full might of the army is sent against them. This fanfic puts the shoe on the other foot as it is the martians who are sent into hiding and brutally tortured by livid human families. I do not shy away from blood or gore. Hell is unleashed against the invaders and there will be no forgiveness. Oneshot

  • Star wars Episode 1:Chaos factor

    Episode 1 starts as normal with one very big, very bloodthirsty exception. Prior to the events of the story, the Jedi raided the SCP lab and chipped 682 to be unquestionably obedient. When the Viceroy refuse to negotiate, the beast is let loose.

  • Patrick: the great flood

    Patrick drinks all the water in his friend's house and suffers the consequences. The city of BB has not seen a flood of this scale ever. It is so bad that Patrick is hauled to Sing Sing to serve his sentence, his captors unaware of his non-stop leakage.

  • Spider man: Apocalypse

    This story veers off from canon. It IS set during the Secret wars but follows an Alt continuity where Peter finds himself in an NY that neither respects nor recognizes him. Venom has been killed sometime prior to Peter's resurrection, thus his enemy turns out to be SCP 682, created not by the SCP foundation, but a different Company altogether.

  • Blood ties: a lotr fanfic

    This is my first crossover with The Third age for Xbox and PS2. Gandalf survives Moria and meets the Party from the games. this is extremely non canon but manages to tell a what if story about what could've happened if the games were canon and gandalf hadn't died. Chapter 2 is up and someone will die. The third chapter breaks the fourth wall and well, read on

  • LOTR: Drunk and Disorderly

    The Third age is over, and Gimli meets a newcomer to Middle Earth. During a drinking challenge, things go hilariously wrong and get worse from there. Oneshot

  • Code Lyoko: The Forsaken

    Following the events of Breakdown, Aelita and co are sent into the net to aid an international team of soldiers in Hamburg. It is here that they learn of a far graver threat then Xana. Aelita retains her new form from Breakdown but is no longer vulnerable. Her new suit makes her invincible and both Her and Yumi have one thing on their minds: Revenge

  • Patrick: Backdraft

    Mr krabs orders a pay toilet. Things go horribly, horribly wrong from there.

  • Episode 1: Savage Intent

    This is an AU fic where the invasion of Naboo never gets off the ground. Incidentally, this leads to the clone army never being chipped, Sidious dead and Maul being murdered by Qui-gon. The story on the ground is hellish. Children are starving under the fighting, Medicine is gone and there is no clothing. Blood and ruin are all that is left. Jar Jar is killed in the fighting.

  • Code Lyoko, the 13th passenger

    Note: All characters 18 Jason Voorhees has willed himself into existence and rains hell on the lyoko warriors. Yumi and Ulrich are Married As far as i'm concerned and not even de-virtualization will stop Yumi from protecting her husband, not even during an improptu "session" under fire. SCP 682 appears, as does Satan himself and Doomguy. Enjoy.