
  • Outcast (Series)

    The first time Keith ever laid eyes on the new loner kid. He had to introduce himself. What better way than to find him secluded in the library?

  • The Fox and the Dragon

    The Spirit gang are off to take down a powerful Black Fire demon. Hiei ends up severely injured, and it is up to the gang to help him. Following the events of his injuries, Hiei starts to develop strange symptoms. Will Kurama find out what is wrong before Yusuke does? Kurama YoukoXHiei, KuramaXHiei, YusukeXHiei, KuwabaraXHiei, Yaoi, Rivalry, Bondage, BDSM, Language.

  • The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - The Prince of Dragons

    The leader of the Dragons, Prince Gaara, becomes injured from a stray arrow from the human in the midst of battle. A loyal knight of Solitude, finds him on the brink of death, and nurses him back to health. Could he end up falling for a secrecy of royalty? What will happen when the loyal Dovah find their prince with a lowly human? Will they ever even find him? LeeXGaara AU Skyrim