
nargles lurk in the mistletoe

  • Always

    Severus remembers Lily. He remembers everything about her: her hair, her laugh, every smile, every fight. He especially remembers her eyes, her bright green emerald eyes. He has always loved her, and he always will.

  • Of Flowers and Toerags

    Lily Evans is a muggle-born witch growing up in the midst of a wizarding war that targets muggles and muggleborns especially. Follow her story through seven years of school as she ventures through her teenage years and struggles with friendship, family, romance, magic, and staying true to herself.

  • Luna

    Most people look down on her. Many say she's nuts. But there's more to Luna Lovegood than meets the eye.

  • Wizard School

    This story tells the tale of a girl named Misty. She will meet friends, battle death eaters, and experience life at Hogwarts. The world won't always be perfect, but that's part of life. Follow Misty's journey...

  • Hermione's Song

    This is a Ronmione version of Mary's Song by Taylor Swift. I'm not a big fan of country music, but this is such a sweet song and I love it. The lyrics have been altered to fit Ron and Hermione.

  • Umbridge and the Basilisk

    Dolores Umbridge falls in love with a basilisk. Kind of strange, as you may have assumed, but quite humorous.