
  • Animals

    How did Christopher become a single father?

  • Christmas

    Christmas eve in the future.

  • Dancers

    Queen was a human again, and it was time to celebrate.

  • In Silence

    The young man was standing in the back with Chit Sang while he and Suki greeted the others.

  • To Tuonela

    The river was as black as the songs and stories had said, and she could feel the coldness from the white water seep into her skin and make her shiver as badly as standing outside in the midwinter.

  • Stone

    Neal touches a cursed object, and no one has fun.

  • Planning

    Planning the holiday is always a headache. Especially in Pelekai household.

  • know my heart in and out, test my heart unto the deep, deep calls to d

    Jo, Ellen and Cas in the car to kill the devil.

  • Jurisdiction

    Vimes has one of his wishes crushed.

  • Trying times

    In the early days after the change.