The Duchess of Telmar

  • Petrichor

    "Why are you still awake?" he mumbled, smiling slightly. She ignored this, "I want a baby." One-shot. HGSS.

  • Rain

    "He even kept a batch of amortentia by his bedside just to smell the citrus of her hair." A retelling of Pride and Prejudice. One-shot. HGSS.

  • A Visit

    "Now I know," he said between fits of laughter, "why you had that vegetable garden." HGSS. One-shot.

  • Checkmate

    "Chess pieces can give advice about other things, you know." Oneshot. HGSS.

  • Chocolate Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

    In which a friendship is forged. RosexScorpius. Oneshot.

  • Temptation

    /"Miss Granger, I do not have the time to indulge in these little fantasies of yours."/ One-shot. HGSS.

  • Mistaken

    Rita Skeeter has pushed Hermione Granger too far this time. One-shot

  • Letters

    They come in secret, they bring pieces of news, they evoke guilt. She doesn't want to read them. An insight into the mind of Bellatrix Lestrange. Oneshot.

  • Eyes as Green as a Fresh Pickled Toad

    A short one-shot between Harry and Ginny. He asks her how she composed the poem for him back in his 2nd year. Post DH. Fluff.