
  • Tarrey Town Terroriser

    In which Moggs does not have a good day after a strange traveller arrives in usually peaceful Tarrey Town. Basically; my sister is a menace to any and all living things when playing Zelda and so I decided to write a fic.

  • Dim

    Jack Bright didn't mind dying here, in a site hallway in a pool of blood. Not that he ever minded dying of course, the only thing he disliked about it was he never stayed dead. Or, where Bright is dying yet again, this time alone, and 4999 shows up. My first SCP fic.

  • Russian but not rushin’

    America and Russia have been waiting for their food for quite a while- so when it finally comes Russia decides to crack a joke. Based off of a post I found online

  • Do w h a t to the piano?

    It’s one of those sleepless nights- and to Hungary’s displeasure it’s made even worse when Austria mutters something… questionable in his sleep. Based off of a post I found online. Open to title suggestions since I’m not very good with naming things ;-;

  • Morning Madness

    Iceland finds himself locked in a closet along with Denmark and Sweden. The reason? It’s 6am and there’s not a drop of coffee in the house. Based off of a post I found online

  • The birth of Denmark Mochi

    Basically the title; Norway’s habit of tugging on Denmark’s cheek leads to a rather odd new discovery. Based off of a post I found online. Potential Crack/OOC warning.

  • Lego Necklace Lie

    Despite what he’s led Denmark to believe, Norway does in fact still have the Lego necklace he gave him. Based off of a post I found online.

  • Pass the nation- I meant the salt

    In which England gets thrown over the dinner table and Canada reflects on his wonderful ‘family’

  • I think you’re great, Britain

    Based off of a post I found online. Basically; America tells a bad joke. Crack/OOC warning

  • Morning Mood

    Based off of the prompt "No you can't get up. You are my prisoner for today." AusHun #2

  • Soft Solution

    Based off of the prompt “Your hands are so soft I must protect them.” AusHun #1

  • Word Weakness

    Based off of the prompt “You look...you look very nice. Beautiful, I mean. Damn, why can't I speak?" DenNor #25

  • Hand Habitat

    Based off of the prompt “My hands are cold, will you warm them up for me?” DenNor #24

  • Huh, Hug!

    Based off of the prompt “I love your hugs.” DenNor #23

  • Texting Test

    Based off of the prompt "I'm bad at texting first, so I always end up hoping you will." DenNor #22

  • Amused Annoyance

    Based off of the prompt “Even when you’re annoying the fuck out of me, I still love you.” DenNor #21

  • Overnight Opportunity

    Based off of the prompt “Can I stay here tonight?” DenNor

  • Annoyance, hair clips and an angry Sweden

    Based off of a prompt I found (on Tumblr I think?). Iceland tries to tame Denmark’s wild locks of hair, and after some trial and error, he finds the solution- hair clips.

  • Tree Glee

    Crack ish fic based off of how I managed to get to 999 wood in Botw.

  • Scenery Surprise

    Based off of the prompt “Take my hand, just trust me” ThaiMal. Written to cause myself (a Thai person of Chinese-Malaysian heritage) pain