
  • Heroes of Flowers Phase 2: Tempest of Hearts

    After a harrowing first semester, Hiro hopes things will be back to semi-normal as he navigates being a superhero, supporting his sister's high school career, and maintaining his internship friendship with Karmi. But there is a new darkness in San Fransokyo, and it leaves behind the deepest of scars, both on the outside, and especially on the inside.

  • The Reporter and The Thief

    The story of how Super Sleuth Megan Cruz met a certain former thief and how they got together

  • Hope for A Better Year

    It's the end of the year, Megan ends up reflecting on that at the Lucky Cat party with her girlfriend, though it would be nice if Hiro wasn't such a gremlin at the moment... (Meganiper one-shot)