
  • Amid the Ashes

    (Post S4 Lenore/Hector) Styria had fallen. Europe's last vampiric power crushed. Its chief diplomat Lenore prepares to end her immortal life in despair, but suddenly Hector pulls her from the brink. In fact, her skills matter more than ever now. In a human-ruled world, Lenore and her wiles are all that's left between a vengeful humanity, and Europe's remaining vampires.

  • Styria: A curated selection of documents

    The following are imagined documents regarding the vampire Kingdom of Styria leading up to, during, and after the events of the Netflix Castlevania cartooon. Set in the same continuity as my main fanfic, "Amid the Ashes,"

  • Stories of Blood and Cinder

    A set of side stories and one-shots within the continuity of my fic Amid the Ashes.