
  • London Secrets

    Raised by wealthy parents, Serena Johnson is ready to dive headlong into her first London Season, but everything changes when she meets A handsome 21 year old Harry Potter. Love, hate, danger, all part of London's Secrets. Please R/R(no flames please.)

  • The Princess' Love

    CHAPTER 8 UP AND CHAPTER 3 EDITED!! Princess Serenity of Slytherin is not pleased when her father promises her to a man she does not love. But when her old dear friend returns for a visit, love blossoms. Harry/Serena please r/r no flames please.

  • Destiny

    In Harry's seventh year, intresting things will happen. He has a girlfriend, who is not who she said she is. When he knows the truth, can he still defeat Voldemort and fifill his Destiny? HP/new character, RW/HG*CHAPTER FOUR UP!!*