Angel Talon

  • Cut Scenes and Plotting Kwami's

    Collection of random oneshots! Some will be cut scenes from my story Hawk's Child, others will be random oneshots. They'll be labeled to let you know. Mainly its for luaghs and to get new ideas out there.

  • Kaos: A Fluttercord Family Fic

    Fluttershy learns that Discord has a son! Only he is shyer than her! Has the kind Pegasus bonds with the father/son duo, she learns what it really means to be in a family! Only someponies don't like mixed specie relationships! Can the threesome became a real family or will the world they live in tear them apart?

  • Princesses in MY room

    There are strangers in Mirabel's room! Friends perhaps? Also, this doesn't look like Mirabel's bedroom... Thank goodness for Bruno.