
  • Alternate Dimension Slappy's Meeting

    Slappy found himself once again feeling the familiar sensation of waking up, gaining sentience, and having his eyes open. Though they never technically closed. He had some slight confusion at first as he hadn't remembered being put to sleep, but he figured there was probably some freak accident that caused something to happen to his former slave. [Not a One Shot]

  • Playing With Fire

    This is a One Shot so it's already pretty short. At least in this case. I think it'd probably make more sense for you to just read the One Shot. It's two main characters are Slappy and Jimmy and a bit of interaction between them from Slappys POV. Please Enjoy!

  • Restlessness

    She is still, a plastic smile is on her face and as she watches from the sidelines a familiar scene unfolds. It's so familiar, in fact, that it's starting to feel repetitive. Everything feels exhausting, and she just wants to stretch. She debates with herself, would it be alright? To stretch for just a minute? She was off to the side so maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't notice...