
  • Harry Potter and the Ford Ex Machina 2: Electric Boogaloo

    After a highly successful first year at Hogwarts School of Shenanigans and Debauchery. Harry Pothead is back for another round of drug enhanced deviance in 'Harry Potter and the Ford Ex Machina 2: Electric Boogaloo'. Follow his high adventures with highlights such as a ketamine addicted scrotum, an illiterate Ginny and Gilderoy Lockhart.

  • Harry Potter and the Ford Ex Machina

    What if Harry was rescued from the Dursley's by Mr Weasley and his Ford Angelia instead of Hagrid. Featuring a perpetually stoned Dumbledore, Snape with a methlab, the Ford Angelia as Harry's familiar and many more drugs and adventures in this fascinating story of Harry's high life.