

  • Bad News

    After Harriet is fired at the college reunion, she becomes obsessed with the idea of capturing proof of the Wisconsin Ghost's existence to get her job back. She and Vlad end up getting to know each other during this time, and find they have more in common than they thought.

  • Kiss for Good Luck

    "The sheer shock of it feels like a palpable punch in the chest, knocking the wind out of his lungs and altering his blood pressure so suddenly he has to lean back against the vanity for balance. That pang in his heart rips apart and aches like an open wound." Before a rehearsal for Lamiroir's performance at the Sunshine Coliseum, Valant recognizes her as Thalassa.

  • catalyst

    "Is this how the Ten felt, every time they took to the skies? This instinctual terror and awe and dumbfoundedness? Did they ever grow accustomed to it?" Aloy takes Kotallo for a ride.

  • she drove a motorcycle through my heart

    For Phic Phight 2021 Prompt: "Paulina has to save Danny from a villain" - During a fight with Johnny 13, Paulina and Danny steal his motorcycle and get chased by Shadow.

  • Disenthrall

    "The Warden enters his thoughts, not unusually, though this time something deep in his stomach twists as he remembers those pitch-dark eyes. Weeks ago, after the Joining, she had told him he would have nightmares, but he has had nightmares constantly since Ostagar." Part character study, part collection of drabbles that follow Loghain joining the Warden on her travels.