Helena Night Nobler

  • Webbed

    Harry made a bad decision and went for a walk in the forbidden Forest. He lost track of time and lost his footing, landing him in a sticky situation. Don't like, Don't read. Not actually Aragog, but one of his children. Lemons

  • All Hallows' Eve

    Things had been normal not even ten minutes ago. Unfortunately for Harry Potter, when he looked up from his book, there were several people in his drawing room. Time Travelers from the past. He decided he needed a drink.

  • Stranger Times

    Harry accidently time traveled. As he didn't know what to do, he continued on with the plan to go to Hogwarts for his sixth year. He quickly figured out that he was in the same time as the Marauders, Severus Snape, and Regulus Black.

  • Close Conversations

    Time Traveling Harry Potter gets stuck in Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom with Regulus Black. An awkward situation arises.