
  • The Fault in our Stars

    Stars are not meant to be close to each other because if stars are close to each other, earth won't exist. But what will happen if if those Stars get closer to each other? Will something exist or disappear?


    This isn't actually a story. I've made this just to post some updates about my stories. If you want to track how my stories are going please do follow this and it's okay if you don't want to, this is optional. Have a nice day!

  • Getaway Paradise

    One who suffers from lost of love ones and one who tries to be loved

  • It Feels Like we're Oceans Apart

    SAD FICTION ALERT! GET BACK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO MOURN JIRATSU! Anyways just a short ficlet i wrote when a scenario of Jiraiya and Tsunade came into my mind when i'm listening to Adele's song.

  • What Bloomed

    Jiraiya meets a little girl when he returned in Konoha after years since Tsunade left. What do you think happens next?

  • Red String

    Just decided to make some drabbles because i kept having some sudden scenarios in my head about Jiraiya and Tsunade

  • Bittersweet

    What happens when Tsunade haven't moved on for years and suddenly found some time to talk to a dead man that she has been yearning for? Is it just her mind playing with her or it isn't?

  • About you and me

    Just a couple of drabbles about Jiraiya and Tsunade.

  • You saved me

    An Agent falls inlove with the woman who he saved from being a prostitute.

  • What could have been

    Just a 'What could have been' of mine.

  • The man who can't be moved

    This is entirely inspired by the song 'The man who can't be moved

  • Never been happy to lose a bet
