

  • Slipping Away

    Danny Williams finds himself in a precarious situation without any idea of just how he got into the mess. McGarrett and the rest of the Five-O team have no idea where he's gone. Will they find him and be able to help him in time before he slowly slips away from them forever?

  • Déjà vu

    All Mike wanted on this typical-looking Monday was to get it over and done with as quickly as possible. Little did he know that this typical-looking Monday that he was dreading, he was going to find himself reliving the worst moments of his life. * chapters 1 & 2 posted, Chapters 3 & 4 will be posted later today.

  • The Promise

    He had promised to love her, to cherish her, to keep her safe. It was a promise that would change lives forever. (This story is being reposted, so if it seems familiar that's why. :) It is completed and will be updated regularly.)

  • The Commune

    It was a dangerous assignment, dangerous for even the most seasoned cop. But Mike knew he needed someone much younger, someone whose face was not known, someone who could help him catch a serial killer. And Mike Stone found that fresh new face who was perfect for the job - a young SFPD Vice squad inspector named Steven Keller.

  • Hunted

    He heard another crack from the rifle a second before he felt an agonizing, deep burn in the back of his leg. He cried out in pain as his leg gave out beneath him and he tumbled hard to the ground. Blinking back the tears of pain, he cast a quick furtive glance behind him, and saw his tormentor moving closer, getting into position for the kill.