
  • LanternFall

    A catastrophe strikes Ponyville. Houses are wrecked, streets are broken, and the hospital is full. But, from this catastrophe stems the discovery of some of the greatest tools in the galaxy. Will Twilight and her friends master the power? Or will it destroy them?

  • A New Challenger

    Sly Cooper is on a quest to find the last missing piece of his family's history, and where Sly Cooper goes Carmelita Fox follows. But this time, she's not the only one chasing the master thief. No CarmelitaxOC romance.

  • Bearers at Ease

    Ahh, Ponyville. Small. Cozy. Out of the way. Seemingly unimportant. Sounds like the perfect place for the some of the most powerful ponies in Equestria to go to relax. That is, as long as they don't have to work. Warnings: Heavy use of OCs. Foul language. Sexual reference. Read Stallion in the Library first unless you want to be confused.