Laziness Incarnate

  • How Ovelia Got Her Brave Back

    Ovelia pwns Delita via broken gameplay mechanics.

  • The Very Secret Diary of Golbez, Clad in the Dark

    Golbez's diary through thirteen boring, boring cycles of Dissidia. Idea and writing style completely stolen from Cassandra Claire's Very Secret Diary series.

  • Waya in Storyland

    Waya is a character in a story and he knows it. It gives him existential angst. Ron Weasley makes an appearance to add to the existential angst, but this story is more of a comment on Hikaru no Go fandom than a full-on crossover.

  • No Wings for You!

    [FFVI] AKA Edgar and Setzer's Excellent Drunken Adventures in Airship Repair. Apologies for all the fake mechanical whatsit!

  • In Two

    [FFVI] In Narshe, Terra's Esper side flies off, "screaming across the sky"...and leaves her human side behind.

  • Empire Under Sun

    Leonardo alive, and his brothers dead: this is Karai's revenge, not her mercy. An AU taking place after the episode "Same As It Never Was" (SAINW).

  • Waiting for Harry

    Ron and Hermione are waiting for Harry to get that seventh Horcrux, and so are we. Metatextual.

  • They Came, They Saw, and They Drank a Heckuva Lot

    Remus and Sirius say hello and have a slightly bizarre chat after the end of PoA. Then they get drunk, if not roaringly so. Basically a buddy fic. [One-shot]