
  • Chuck vs The Name

    Chuck you asked me once what changed me from being a normal teen to me, said Sarah. Well, this isn't easy. She told Chuck how she went for Sam to Sarah but at the end Chuck couldn't help but notice there was something wrong and he remembered Jack's favorite line: You can't fool a conner cause they know all the cons and who was the greatest conner of them all if not the Company.

  • Chuck vs Electric Sheep

    Mysterious graves are discovered in an archaeological excavation in Japan. Two blonde women with identical DNA are found. Once the DNA is put in the database it triggers a hit that is astounding as it is perplexing there is a third match. What will this mean for Sarah and Chuck? Or is this the answer to the age old question which came first the chicken or the egg?

  • Chuck vs The Baguette

    Chuck and Sarah fed up after Manoosh assassination attempt they head for Paris. There they can visit their company's European branch and the city putting their troubles behind them or can they? Can they finally get away? Will they stay on the run for the rest of their lives? What are Sarah's dreams telling her?

  • Chuck vs The Tin Man

    Chuck and Sarah now have a nemesis on the loose, Manoosh. Manoosh the antithesis of Chuck. Can the evil nerd exact vengeance on a wrong he perceived perpetrate by Team Bartowski? Using the reverse engineered intersect glass Manoosh sends assassin after assassin turning even the people close to them into their mortal enemies.

  • Chuck vs The Merchant of Venice

    Chuck and Sarah continue to Montenegro after leaving the UK to be with everyone Sam above all. However, when they arrive they find strange things are afoot. At first they wonder if Hydra isn't organizing a little payback or Jack is up to old tricks but what hits them is something from left field.

  • Chuck vs The Dictator

    Alex, Morgan and Casey are caught up in an international plot to overthrow the government of Costa Gravas. Hortencia Goya is in Chicago on her death bed only Awesome can save her but Ellie has been kidnapped and they want Hortencia dead. Can Chuck and Sarah save the day?

  • Chuck vs The A-Bomb

    Beckman has offered the team a holiday in Tahiti to visit the Turners who are dying to see how their replacements are doing. But does the CIA ever pay for a vacation? Is the French nuclear program being targeted? Is Sugar Bear in for a treat when he meets a certain French Agent? And what are they going to do with Sam? It looks like another mission for Team Bartowski.

  • Chuck vs Amtrak

    Chuck and Sarah make their way across the US for a meeting at Langley for Spy couples. Sarah is in her second trimester so instead of flying they take the train. Along the way Sarah is confronted with her past and choices she made can Chuck save her from herself?

  • Chuck vs The House

    Beckman goes to Antwerp to have the Nadan-I-Noor examined then drops off the grid. Team Bartowski is called into locate the General and recover the gem with the help of Cole Barker MI6 and Carina. This will take them from Belgium to Montenegro and Serbia where they will meet someone they know involving Chuck in a deadly game of wit and cards.

  • Chuck vs Love Boat

    Team Bartowski is called to save the world again. Sarah is back with Chuck but her memory is still not all there. Can their love endure the cruelty of the world they must live it only time will tell.

  • Chuck vs Charles

    Sarah's Gone, Ellie's Gone, Morgan and Casey have moved on. Where is Chuck? What is Chuck man or Intersect? And the big question is he safe?

  • Chuck vs Brick and Mortar

    In the aftermath of Beckman getting fired a new guy comes in to replace her. But can he measure up? Or does Chuck have a plan to bring Beckman back? She is after all family. Maybe not your favorite cool aunt but she's still family. Then add an assassination attempt again the Russian's Beckman equivalent. Never a dull moment in the Bartowski house.

  • Chuck vs A Bolt From The Blue

    Team Bartowski is tapped by the General to guard a group of nerd scientist as they go on mission. The goal is to test the effectiveness of a new alternative energy source lightning harvesting. Zamibia was chosen because in the jungles if things went wrong there would be little collateral to worry about. But someone else has other sinister plans. Can the team stop them?

  • Chuck vs A Horse With No Name

    Chuck needed a physical to declare him fit for duty so Sarah arranged to take him to agency doctor leaving Sam with Emma and Jack. Emma wanted to prepare something nice so generous Jack volunteered to take Molly and Sam to a petting zoo so Emma would be free. The only problem was the petting zoo was at the Santa Anita Racetrack and Jack had sure thing in the fourth, Raging Fire.

  • Chuck vs The Cold

    On an average 36,000 people die each year from complications relate to the common cold but this new cold that was coming was far more deadly. Events where unfolding in Russia that would call team Bartowski to action once more and this time they'd need more than bed rest and hot toddy.

  • Chuck vs The Band (on the run from the law)

    Jeff is found wandering in Death Valley by rangers and barely remembers his name. The only thing he mutters is Roscoe's no more. Chuck and Sarah have to bail him out of county lockup. But when they ask him where Lester is all he recalls are bright lights, loud noise, and screaming voices. Aliens! Lester was taken by aliens and the aliens wanted him to kill. In this Augusto Gaez

  • Chuck vs The Black Knight

    Chuck takes Sarah to London to visit Carina and Cole to rest after Paris. But once there they are propelled into a plot against Crown and State. As they are fighting off yet another mad plot Sarah notices something's wrong with Chuck something he doesn't want to share. Being both wife and spy she won't let it alone. The question is can Chuck save the Queen?

  • Chuck vs The Snowman

    A spy satellite crashes in the mountains of Alaska and Beckman is forced to send Casey and Alex with Morgan to retrieve classified data. Chuck and Sarah are left behind for support. Nothing happens accidently, satellites don't just happen to drop out of the sky. But who is responsible? And what's so important that everybody wants it? Or is it something else?

  • Chuck vs The Heist

    Chuck was out gathering things for a surprise party Molly wanted to give Sarah when Emma phoned desperate . There was robbery at the bank where she kept Molly's records and DNA samples Sarah gave her for safe keeping in case Molly would wanted to claim her inheritance. Chuck discovered there were Bulgarian spies and an ex-Stasi Colonel involved. What was going on?

  • Chuck vs The Sibyl

    Chuck and Sarah survive the Toy Maker's fiery end but discover a plot by Autur Novokov against the heads of state at an upcoming NATO ceremony scheduled for the following week. With little time, the team races to thwart the scheme. In addition, Sarah searches for Razib's missing mother and she meets a former colleague, who Chuck immediately dislikes.