

  • Severus Snape's favourite student

    Short headcanon about the child Lily was carrying when she died and what would have happened if they didn't die

  • Young and Waters

    Alaska and Augustus meet in the afterlife. Little Headcanon. I am aware of the somehow wooden style but I think it fits with the awkwardness of the situation. Maybe I will write more of this when I have time.

  • Sherlock and John back in time

    Sherlock and John are sent back in time by the weeping angels to the time of Arthur Conan Doyle

  • Consulting Babysitter

    DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED SEASON THREE! John and Mary have a daughter now and of course, Sherlock is there to protect her. As if she needed that with a mother like Mary. I am planning on writing about different stages in the girls life, but for now, I thought I would start with just one chapter when she is about 5 or six years old.

  • The Dementor's Kiss

    Finally, there will be justice... maybe.

  • Grandma, look what I can do!

    Petunia Dursley discovers something surprising about her granddaughter Daisy, but is it that surprising after all?

  • Christmas At Grimmauld Place

    Our favourite characters get the happiness they deserve in an alternative universe where Voldemort never existed

  • Someone like you

    A Little Fanfiction about Snape and Lily, based on Adele's Song "Someone like you" Lyrics and characters etc. are not mine, etc. etc. etc.

  • One last time

    Severus Snape has an unexpected but not unwelcome visitor