

  • Never Too Late

    1-shot. A hunt in Wisconsin turns out to be nothing, but Dean learns that it's not just monsters that need to be hunted when something from their past comes and shows him why is brother is so afraid of clowns. He is reminded that it's never too late to be Sam's big brother. *Angry/protective/slightly guilty!Dean & a nervous/uneasy/limp!Sam* Set mid-Season 7.

  • The Greatest Gift of All

    1-shot. A holiday fic in Dean's POV as he answers a question about what his greatest gift of all was while trying to give Sam something he feels his brother should have.

  • Breaking and Rebuilding

    1-shot. Set after 10x3 Soul Survivor. Dean's convinced he's broken his relationship with Sam finally. He knows what he did & said so he's expecting the worst when he gets a surprise that begins a fragile rebuilding of a bond he thought lost. *Angsty/tired/coping/slightly emotional!Dean & worried/concerned/protective!Sam* SPOILERS!

  • The End

    1-shot. A take on possibly how it might one day end for the Winchesters. *See note*

  • Honesty

    1-shot. Sam decides honesty isn't always best when he realizes just how his words have hurt his brother & as he fears Dean's reactions he must come to terms with having to be honest about his reasons for being ready to die & hoped it wasn't too late. *Drunk/upset!Dean &Worried/thoughtful/nervous!Sam with a guest shot from Jodi Mills.* SPOILERS for 09x13-The Purge!

  • Partners or Brothers

    1-shot. Dean's brooding over Sam's words when they reunited debating on the choice of being partners or brothers when being in the wrong place at the wrong time endangers Sam as well as shows Dean that perhaps there's still a chance to heal when only the trust between brothers can save Sam. *Brooding/angry/worried!Dean & Hurt/limp/thoughtful!Sam* Spoilers for 09x12 Sharp Teeth.

  • The Mark

    1-shot. Reeling from what he'd learned & what he allowed to happen, Dean talks his problems out with a very unlikely person only to wake up to find that he had to face his decisions with the one person that he dreaded telling the most: his brother. *Drunk/sick!Dean & worried/concerned!Sam* SPOILERS for 09x11-First Born!

  • Moose Call 911

    1-shot. Crowley has a problem. A problem he finally admits he can't control so he goes to the one person he feels can help him: Sam. Sam's hunt for his brother has hit a wall. When Crowley shows up begging for help, he discovers Crowley's problem is also his own because it's Dean. *Worried/tired/annoyed!Sam & Frustrated/exasperated!Crowley* Spoilers!

  • Still His Brother

    Dean's dealing with the fallout of his new existence when Sam's suddenly jumped & serious injured by demons. He must choose which side of him will win out & what he'll do to not only save his brother but also the aftereffects. *Angry/angsty/****/still protective!Dean & Hurt/limp/sick!Sam* Spoilers from S9 Finale and possibly into S10.

  • Not The Reason

    1-shot. Sam's POV after 9x10 Road Trip when he's alone and thinking about why he made the choice he did at the end and what he'll do now. *Thoughtful/worried!Sam* SPOILERS! 09x10 Road Trip.(A re-up)

  • Introspection

    1-shot. Castiel POV. Castiel's thoughts on his history with the Winchesters as he ponders how best to help Sam with what's happened when he'd reminded that there is at least one thing that might not have changed. *Thoughtful/pondering!Castiel with a short cameo from Dean.

  • He's In Trouble

    1-shot. Sam's POV. Sam's thoughts as he ponders what happened with Dean and how things will go for them now as he knows the struggle his brother has is just beginning. *Thoughtful/worried/concerned!Sam* SPOILERS! 10x14 Executioner's Song

  • Still Fighting

    1-shot. After making a decision about the Mark, Dean goes to grab dinner only to return to find a situation that reminds him that he was still fighting for something after all. *Hurt/limp/strangled!Sam & Angry/worried/big brother!Dean* Mild Spoilers!

  • Letting the Dark In

    1-shot. Missing scene from 10x11 There's No Place like Home. Sam & Charlie researching in the bunker & Sam recalls some of his time while soulless as he works to convince Charlie to accept something she doesn't really want to. SPOILERS!

  • Powerful Force

    1-shot. A comment from Sam leaves Dean wondering if he still has anything left inside to allow him to fight the dark pull of the Mark. *Thoughtful!Dean & Concerned/worried!Sam* SPOILERS!

  • Thanks for Family

    1-shot. With Sam sick from a hunt, he and Dean share Thanksgiving with their extended family…complete with unexpected hassles, possessed poultry and the realization that in deed family doesn't end with blood. *Sick!Sam & frustrated/protective!Dean with guests* Set S10 but not too many spoilers.

  • Where We Belong

    1-shot. A short possible scene to what took place in the Impala after the end of 'Fan Fiction' as Dean finds himself thinking about what he saw, heard, and learned by seeing them through the eyes of their fans. *Contemplative/musing/big brother!Dean & a sleeping!Sam* SPOILERS to 10x05-Fan Fiction.

  • Welcome Back

    1-shot to 10x03 Soul Survivor that shows what might've happened between Dean waking up and the next scene as Dean's guilt & emotions react to the cure in an unexpected manner & Sam's unable to do anything but hope. *Hurt/limp/tired/angsty/guilty!Dean & Worried/protective/upset!Sam* SPOILERS!

  • Healing Rifts

    1-shot. After the events in 'Soul Survivor' it's time to heal some rifts between them. Sam thinks he knows how but isn't expecting Dean's reaction to his choices. *Healing/wary!Dean & worried/caring!Sam* Spoilers!

  • Middle Ground

    1-shot. Sam's in trouble with someone from Dean's past but accepts he's on his own as his brother isn't the man he was once. Dean surprises Sam and his captor but he also surprises himself by what he does next. *Hurt/limp!Sam & Dean* Spoilers for 10x01 so be wary!