Herr Regis

  • King Sombra Loves Fluttershy!

    Princess Celestia sees good in the evil King Sombra, so she employees the element of kindness, Fluttershy, to help him reform. Over time, he starts to fall in love with a certain pegasus... can a stallion like him ever love a mare like her?

  • Celestia's Lover

    King Sombra has found a way to rid himself of the evil he so selflessly took on to save the love of his life, Princess Celestia, from harm. Now, he travels to her universe so that they can be together.

  • Don't You Love Me?

    Lyra has recently begun to have special feelings for her long time best friend, Bon Bon. Can these two mares ever be a couple?

  • High Command: A Tiger's Tale

    The Furious Five are yet to find a Dragon Warroir, but nonetheless they are forcibly drafted into The Great Imperial Army of China, sent out to fight wolf terrorists. Their commanding officer, his actions, and his feelings will rock the five, and alter history as you know it.

  • A Trade

    Applejack needs to sweeten the deal in order to keep one of Sweet Apple Acres's customers happy. Rated M.

  • Hearts & Hooves Day

    It's Hearts and Hooves Day in Ponyville! Follow the mane six as they each receive visits from stallions who have been concealing feelings from them!

  • All That Matters

    Simba's life is full of turmoil: Zira, Kovu, his adventurous daughter Kiara, and his pride. What he needs is some time to clear his mind and remember what is really important to him.

  • A Forced Adventure

    Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron are called to the service of Princess Celestia, in order to recover something stollen from Canterlot. Will they be able to work together and solve the mystery? Read and see.

  • Only at Night

    Kopa awakes in the night to get the shock of his life: the lioness of his dreams is just outside of his den. Sadly, there are extraordinary complications neither teenager is prepared to face.

  • Hidden in Darkness

    Princess Celestia has for over a millennium had a protectorate: a secret prince to aid her. Upon the return of Princess Luna, he generates more tension than good between the two sisters.

  • Amongst Royalty: Life in Canterlot

    Fleur De Lis is tossed into madness when her life and career deteriorate in Canterlot. Ponies reach out to help her, but are they really her friends? Can this super-model trust anypony? Read and see.

  • A Big Decision

    Sweetie Belle gets something she's always wanted, but she never expected that it would interfere with the relationships she has with her friends and family. MY ONE YEAR FANFICTION ANNIVERSARY STORY!

  • Daring Do's Sister

    Daring Do has a sister who lives in Ponyville, and the celebrity adventurer is coming for a visit! Who would have thought that Daring Do is Derpy's sister? Read for more...

  • Finally!

    Even after the two prides merged and Kovu officially became Kiara's mate, Simba still refused to allow the teenage lion to be alone with his daughter. Will Kiara be able to convince her father that Kovu is trustworthy?

  • Anything?

    Simba, Nala, Chumvi, Malka, Kula, and Tama are enjoying another day together as young and carefree lions and lionesses. Eventually, Malka and Tama are left alone when something unexpected happens.

  • Good Fortune 2

    Applejack and Flim cannot wait for their wedding, but a source of evil may interfere! Flam is highly infatuated with one of the mane 6, but does she like him back? Can Flam save the day for his brother?

  • Good Fortune

    The FlimFlam Brother's Curative Tonic is revealed to be a scam just in time. When Flim and Flam are given the opportunity to right their wrong in Ponyville, the brothers decide to help the apple family. Over time, Applejack and Flim start to have feelings for one another.

  • High Command 2: The Empire

    Jay and Tigress are a happy family living in the Valley of Peace. Everything seems perfect in their secluded paradise, but trouble will come to them, and their three cubs. Lord Shen is plotting to claim the throne of China for himself. The Wu sisters are fleeing from captors. Murder, deception, and romance will overcome this family of tigers in the second installment of HC.

  • A Wonderbolt Love

    Spitfire has always loved Soarin, but she has no idea how to communicate her feelings after he broke up with her. Now, with a young and energetic mare named Rainbow Dash knocking at her door, and the possibility of losing Soarin forever is presented, something has to happen.

  • Daring Do: Loving Him

    Daring Do is ponynapped and presented an offer by the evil Dr. Caballeron. One of the doctor's vengeful thugs comes into play and attempts to destroy the doctor's dream. Read and see what he wants, and if Daring Do will give it to him.