Elixa Amethyst

  • Moonlit Beauty

    Professor Quirrell before he visits the Black Forest. Quidditch, Davina Aquarius and humour. Why doesn't Quirrell have a character section?

  • Voices of the Past Part III

    Please R&R :o) The seige of slytherin, and the final year of Elixa's time at Hogwarts. The climax of the first two parts.

  • Voices of the Past Part II

    Please R&R :o) Part II, This is the final year for Elixa Amethyst, is Susan North's gain of magical power more than what it seems, and who is the Hogwarts intruder?

  • Voices of the Past Part I

    Severus and Voldemort :: Elixa Amethyst, a sixth year Slytherin discovers more than her fair share of history at Hogwarts... Please R&R :o)

  • Brothers of Mage

    Set before the time of the first Order of the Pheonix, or just before that even. Voldemort's first rise to power and his original death eaters. Ignan Storm is in his last year of Hogwarts, making the decision to follow his brother into the dark or not. Hi