

  • Divided we stand

    Sometimes the most unlikely person can change our minds about something our heart was set on, as Regulus finds out. No ships.

  • Together Forever

    A mother doesn't know what she's saying. A son believes ever word she says. And a lover comforts. Implied RS SLASH. One shot.

  • No! Not that!

    Frank and James make a huge mistake, when they leave disaster strikes. The series of unfortunate events follows: back pains, crouchy wives, flea infested rats, scenes that are meant to be in different fics and puke soup!

  • You deserve to die, so why am I dying instead?

    See title. This is a short fic about someone's bitter thoughts about another. Might be implied slash, depends how you see it. Please read and review. One shot.

  • Assumptions

    When you assume, you make an ass out of you and and me. " - Paul, 8 Simple Rules. SLASH

  • Look Closer

    At first you can't see it, but when you look closer... SLASH

  • Mixed Blood

    Hermione Granger has been attacked by a mad so-called woman and after that everything does not go back to normal. She doesn't know if Ron truly likes her or it's one of side effects to the attack and that isn't even half of it...

  • Lily Evans and the Familiar Stranger

    Diaries are meant to be fun...not for Lily! Her diary is her worst nightmare! She meets James Potter's (her stalker's) almost identical twin! And who is to blame? Her diary of course!

  • Hopeful Wishes

    Remus always wished that Sirius would come back. One day he sees Sirius and his wishes become reality. Or do they?

  • The Give Away

    Ever wondered why Sirius suspected Remus? Read to find out! WARNING: SBRL SLASH! Don't like it, don't read it!

  • Lily's Ten Commandments

    Lily was bored (so was the author) so she decided to make her New Year's Resolutions in a... different style. Please remember I am not trying to offend anyone, I'll probably just tear the fic down anyway!

  • Crying and Dying

    This plot has been used so many times I'm surprised that it hasn't been used for cliche fics yet! Sirius is officially dead and he knows it... but something has to be done before he goes away forever... Please, pretty please r&r!

  • Emotionless

    Voldemort can do many things, but there's one thing he can do without lifting a finger: destroy a family.

  • A lot can happen whe you're gone

    One shot! Spoilers! It's better than it sounds: Harry wakes up from a 17 year slumber and everything is... different. Please rr!