Hermione Fowl

  • Dear Georgia

    "HELP. MY FAMILY IS DRIVING ME MAD. YOU ARE MY ONLY HOPE. SEND HELP WITHIN THE NEXT THREE DAYS, OR I WILL DROWN WITH THE DOLPHINS."/"Dear Gee, Say hello to Libs from me. Tell her I miss her. Not as much as you, of course. Also, send me more photos. I miss your gorgeous face."

  • Marauder's Notes

    Notes between me and my friends in class, from the P.O.V's of Moony, Prongs, Padfoot and sometimes Lily.

  • Words

    A drabble a day, based on a word.

  • Sirius Black

    When I was a kid, life sucked. It didn't get much better, really, but before Hogwarts was the worst. Then after Hogwarts, it sucked again. I know everyone complains that their childhood was bad, but mine really was. And this is the story of why.

  • Werewolf

    Remus tells the Marauders what he really is.

  • Triangle

    Harry's family isn't who he thought it was. . .

  • Water

    James, who is terrified of water, goes to a beach party with Lily.

  • Dear Evans

    James writes letters to Lily on her birthday, at the end of each year.

  • Happy Birthday

    Sirius wishes his girlfriend a happy 17th birthday.

  • Mother's Day

    Sirius celebrates Mother's Day at the Potter's, after he ran away.

  • Marauding

    The Marauders doing what they do best. Group of one-shot convo-fics.

  • My Fault

    It's my fault James is dead.

  • Sorry, Moony

    How Moony and Padfoot made up after The Prank.

  • The Chosen One

    Cedric's thoughts on being chosen for the Triwizard Tournament.

  • The First Time

    The first time Lily Evans... 7 years, 7 drabbles. James Potter's P.O.V.

  • The Worst Christmas Present

    James has finally got Lily to be his girlfriend. But will putting Sirius in charge of her Christmas present ruin their relationship?

  • Finding Out

    The Marauder's reaction when they found out about Remus' secret.