The Incredible Nameless Wonder

  • A Dead Song

    1932, the Great Depression is in full swing around the world. Plenty of people want others dead, and are willing to pay with their souls. Vera Weiss is no different. She wants her life back, she wants her name in lights and enough time to enjoy it, but she's stuck wishing on a cracked mirror. Unknown to her, a spider is listening, and wants to form a contract. AU. Claude/OC.

  • Lullaby

    Miss Missa, prone to fits of apathy and embarrassment in equal parts decides a ride on the figurative merry-go-round will do her a more good than harm. When the curtain falls and she's left alone to look at the people behind the freaks -and the freaks behind the people-, she begins to wonder if there might actually be life on Mars.

  • A Room Full of Shadows

    Every year she summoned him, and every year he took a soul that was not hers. When did she wish die? Rather, when did she wish to be taken to hell? She supposed it didn't matter anyway. She told herself it didn't as she stripped away the remainder of her purity. Next Halloween it would choose her, she was sure of it.

  • In My Blood

    The world is falling to ruin, and in the centre -slightly to the left- is Elanniea, a perfectionist Altmer not yet ready to die. She's surprised by the results when she abandons sense and follows Ralof into the Keep, and doesn't stop there. When she learns her blood is not nearly pure, she must confront her hypocrisy, and accept her flaws as well as those she cares for. {Ralof/OC}

  • This Seat Taken?

    Butch knows his little nosebleed wouldn't hurt a bloatfly if she knew it had feelings. Still, the saloon owner's dead, and Butch is in the same place he was before she pulled the trigger. Slight F!LW/Butch

  • Empty Words

    It's not that she can fire a mini-gun that freaks Butch out, it's that she knows every single word to every damn song. F!LW/Butch.