
  • Ackerman

    It was a name she had so far been treasuring as a precious gift from the family she lost as a child. Never did she imagine that one day, learning about that name would cause her to feel terror. Never could she expect that seeing it now as the name of someone she had only known by first name and title would cause her such distress. [manga spoilers]

  • Attack on Giant Monsters

    845: Humanity celebrates the hundred years of peace and harmony behind the walls of their Fortress. However, the era of prosperity comes to an end when the Giant Monsters launch an unexpected attack. Eren is dreaming of joining the Explorers in order to see the Outside World with his own eyes, and to encounter the creatures feared as humanity's enemies. (manga spoilers)

  • Cruel Eyes and a Beautiful World

    When Lance Corporal Rivaille interrogates, things become physical. But when Mikasa Ackerman gains a first-hand experience of those strange interrogation methods, the last thing she expects is to glimpse a beautiful world reflected in those cruel eyes... [LevixMikasa] A sequel to "Blind Game".

  • Threads of Fate

    They fought and achieved their aims. They rebuilt the family they had lost. But what can they do in order to protect that small world? The only stories they can tell their children are ones hiding the cruel truth. (The tale of the faded red scarf, the family of Eren/Mikasa, and Levi)

  • Rough Skin & Super Luck

    Out in the wild, the matter of dinner is of great importance. The reluctant hunter decides to appease his hunger with something other than berries and roots. But when he goes to steal from a dragon's nest, what will he find among the treasures? Is it something edible?

  • Bound by Our Promises

    In the town of Shiganshina, a young soldier and a small boy meet and exchange promises. Short stories about the encounters of Rivaille and Eren, before the fall of Wall Maria. [young Rivaille, child Eren, 4 short stories, unfinished]