
  • The Wreckoning

    A prequel to Wreck-It Ralph. What lf Turbo's not such a bad character? What lf someone else was? What lf Felix's life isn't so perfect afterall? And what ever happened to the Turbo Twins? Part of the Microblue Wreck-It Ralph Trilogy.

  • BeelZeBub Arcade

    The quest of a glitch, a wretch & a villain with the same goal. Vanellope x OC AU. Part of the Microblue Wreck-It Ralph Trilogy.

  • Wreck-It Ralph: Risk Addiction

    In this imagining of the sequel to Wreck-It Ralph, Vanellope descries her opposite & the love of her life. Unfortunately, a familiar face comes to ruin her newfound relationships. Vanellope x Minty Sakura (Vakura). Note: 'descries', is a real word & not a typo. Part of the Microblue Wreck-It Ralph Trilogy.

  • Mario Beginnings

    The complete storyline to the Mario franchise with some filler added.