

  • By Mistake or Design

    "So you do love me," he grinned, "a quick death is always reserved for loved ones.""Well my dear parabatai," I teased, "only the best for you." I was a blushing mess. Did he actually say love, oh be still my heart. Be still before you beat right out of my chest in front of this devil that controls you. JonathanxOC fic Pre-Mortal Instruments

  • Vendetta of The Thistle

    Iona Gallach has just sworn her revenge. There is only one thing left to do. Poison literally dances on her tongue, "What is her name?" The red-head vampire smirks without amusement, "Isabella Swan." "Isabella Swan you will pay for what you did to me." [Emmett x OC]

  • The World Is Ours

    Valentine Morgenstern had kept one more lie from his beloved Jocelyn. The one where Jonathan was not alone, in fact he had a constant shadow that wanted to tear off his head just as much as Clary and Jace. This is the tale of Seraphina Morgenstern, Jonathan's sister and twin. This is her story.

  • Claimed By Fire

    ***TAKEN DOWN** My new re-edited version is going to be posted as Winter Nymeria by Miss Cornelia Odeveca.

  • Men of Courage

    Pre-1984- A brief moment where the drums of War were beginning, the spark of those who chose to Rebel, and the man that inspired them to do it. ENJOY! Wrote this for my little sister's Honors English Class.

  • The Alpha's Daughter

    There stood freiken Jacob Ephraim Black, and he looked more than pissed. He was delirious, his nostrils flaring, his biceps twitching and shuddering, and his toughened dark fingers drumming on a… wait a second… a shotgun? Oh SHIT! Where the HELL DID THAT COME FROM!

  • Honor Thy Protector

    Some shadows, and some faces I could never forget. I felt the strong presence of a chocolate-reddish brown wolf dragging me back down. I was more mesmerized than afraid. It pulled me back down to a place where things hurt, and felt more real.