
  • I Remember When

    Star Fox Zero. In the midst of the final battle, Fox finds himself about to be killed by Andross. Then, it happened, and Fox seeks answers.

  • Person of Interest

    Following the string of professional and personal failures that was the Angler Blitz, Fox retreated from public life and lives quietly on Sauria. A mission from an old friend changes that. AU.

  • Star Fox: Easy Reading

    A companion collection to All the Stars. Stuff here is meant to be chill, fluffy, and cute. Rated M because stuff in here could get risqué at times, but not too much, unless I point out otherwise.

  • All the Stars

    A collection of oneshots from the Star Fox universe.

  • And I'll Walk with You

    It started out differently than she thought, but in the end, Krystal was happy. A story of our two favorite Foxes moving through life together, and growing together.

  • Heritage for the Future

    He was a rough looking boy. Maybe, he could become more than that.

  • The Shakedown

    Routine mission. Sadly, those rarely go as planned, don't they?

  • In Our Dreams

    Down memory lane, everyone.

  • Tenderness

    Love and caring is a powerful thing. A sequel to Forgiveness

  • Forgiveness

    Even after drifting, sincere love does not vanish. Loneliness can be vanquished.