Kigo Queen

  • Hardworking

    Summary: While Callie and Mariana yelled at one another around the pool, Callie and Mariana continued to throw their lowest moments into each other's faces. Callie, however, yells that she isn't perfect and when Mariana makes a big deal of it, she yells back about juvenile detention.

  • Plan Of Jealousy

    Summary: Gabi Diamond never really thought of girls until Logan Rawlings took an interest. Maybe she hadn't seen a woman in her future, but she kissed her to help her get her ex back and she felt a spark. She then got extremely jealous of the end game. Cute little One-Shot.

  • Mamma's

    Summary: When the mom's get together what happens? Does it turn out good or bad for them?

  • Femme Fatale

    Summary: Draco has an actual friend in Hermione, so he hides this. His father wouldn't approve of their friendship. And even then, he suddenly finds out that his friend has been slowly torturing his father without care. But why? For him? Or for herself?

  • Love Is Love

    Summary: When some relations and secrets come to life, how do they handle it? Do they run and hide? Do they take the challenge head on? Do they also shun the entire issue?

  • Become A Woman

    Summary: What happens when an accidental fondle and kiss turn into something more? How will they handle this new development in their relationship?

  • No She's My Lover

    Summary: When the men go out to play what do the women do? Why talk about the men. Here is my thought process of both the Light and the Dark sides just chatting about their own relationships. Bellatrix may seem a little OOC. My bad. Small snippet. One Shot.

  • Like Mother, Like Daughter

    I wanted Hermione to be Bellatrix's daughter. There is a slight amount of cussing and bad grammar... I'm using Note Pad

  • Once A Family, Always A Family

    The Black Sisters have children and one ends up doing something in sake of saving their mother. With that said and done, the mother finds out years later that her child saved the world and started the most unpredictable relationship in the Wizarding World.

  • Family Sticks

    This takes place pretty much after The Final Act. The gang is watching Shippo as he becomes an adult and finally gets the girl he has crushed on. Kirara is just like Shippo, but prefers to stay in her demon form more often then not. One-shot. Kind of cute stupid.