

  • Remembrance

    A short answer to a chelsie-anon prompt on tumblr: Ten years after the beginning of the first World War, the village remembers the brave soldiers that have fought for king and country. This includes remembering William and Mrs Patmore's nephew... (based on some behind the scenes pictures of series 5 spoiler (?))

  • Chelsie Drabble Challenge - a collection of CarsonHughes one shots

    The butler and housekeeper are finally a couple after 5 series of "will they, won't they". To celebrate this and to get through dark and rainy and snowy winter, chatelaine-s started the Drabble Challenge over at tumblr. I will collect all the stories I write in this one file. They will not necessarily be related to each other but they have Carson/Hughes as main characters in common

  • Fire

    SPOILERS FOR SERIES 5! A fire threatens to destroy the Abbey. Will everyone get out alive? My take on what will happen when a fire breaks out in Edith's room.

  • Thunderstorm

    Thunderstorms are scary and Elsie Hughes does not like them AT ALL. But one night this changes.

  • Darkness

    A collection of little one shots that will form a complete story in the end. Small scenes of the Carson/Hughes relationship we all want so badly to become canon soon.