

  • Cherry Blossoms

    Hiyori and Yuushin are 3rd years now! But that also means deciding what to do in their futures, and handling a new student? (OC alert) HiyorixYuushin :D Disclaimer: I don't own Hiyokoi but I love Yukimaru Moe :) Cover picture from the back cover of vol. 2.

  • You Won't Know Me

    Lisanna has come back from Edolas, and everyone is happy to see her-except the newcomers, who feel a little left out. When Lucy tries and fails to complete a job by herself that she had wanted to use to prove that she is strong, she decides to take a leave from Fairy Tail to get stronger. This takes place right after the Edolas arc.

  • I Only Wanted to Say Sorry

    Juliette has been working on getting stronger in order to take on any enemies challenging her. Of course, everyone is supportive-except for Adam, who hates the thought of her changing from the innocent girl she was before. WarnerXJuliette. Cover art by Conwolf.