Splintered Star

  • Into the Chihuahuan

    Tamika Flynn speaks with her God.

  • Confidence Games

    Agnès hated doing this, but it was the only way to survive. At least, that was what Airy always said, right? (Partners in Crime AU, Agnès/Edea/Ringabel/Tiz)

  • Den of Ghosts

    Last week, the Chief disappeared into a Turk van, and Jackal knew what that meant. (Turk!Khint AU)

  • The Going Rate for Loyalty

    Tseng has captured Ciggma Khint, one of the most skilled private body guards in Midgar - now, to convince him to stay. (Turk!Khint AU)

  • Crystal-Bright

    Tomorrow they will again be dedicated to the Crystal - but today, they are just girls. Agnes/Olivia, pregame, preslash.

  • Pallor Mortis

    Victoria died. Victor didn't. He doesn't take it well. (Spoilers for chapter 4, trigger warnings listed immediately inside)

  • A Step out of Sequence

    Doctor/Companion AU The Doctor always did his duty to protect humanity - but sometimes he came across a fascinating, /distracting/ mortal. DeRosso/Yulyana pre-slash

  • Sandstone Tower

    The Crown Prince of Ancheim hated being dragged out to Royal Events, but there might be someone worthwhile at this party… Pregame, preslash.

  • Private Revolution

    Set directly after Parade Day and features spoilers for the same. Alone in his Strexcorp cell, Cecil finds an unexpected compatriot. Not every rebellion is doomed.

  • As Yggdrasil Burns

    Triggering the failsafe always costs too much to bear, but Cecil no longer has any reason to hesitate. Spoilers through episode 44 and sort of AU.