

  • No way?

    Draco follows the Golden trio and learns something about himself. The Insufferable know-it-all Granger finally makes a joke but is there some truth to her words? 8th year Drarry, side pairing: Romione

  • Bloody hell!

    Ron catches Hermione being a bit too friendly with Blaise Zabini and starts thinking the worst. Is Zabini trying to steal her away? Is Hermione just not interested in Ron anymore? Was she interested in the first place?

  • You turned me gay

    Ginny is upset about her breakup with Harry Potter and just wants to grieve in peace. However, Pansy Parkinson doesn't like Gryffindors getting their own way so she follows. Does she only want to mess around or she has something else in mind?... Ginny/Pansy ship, side pairing: Drarry

  • You first!

    While Harry is out on a date, Ron and Hermione are left with nothing to do but their homework. With feelings getting in the way, will they be able to make progress with their studies... or probably with their changing relationship? 8th year Ron/Hermione, mentions of Drarry