
  • Sweet Sixteen

    Misty realizes even though Ash is now sixteen, he's never been kissed. Not once. No lemons though (sorry). Although maybe after I finish this one... That's all I got. Enjoy! KailashC

  • The best mistake I ever made

    I figured, shouldn't the title say it all? So I made it do most of that, at least. Yuya finally begins to choose the love of his best friend over the heart of the cards. Luckily, we have an OC handy to help Jaden Yuki#2 understand that fiancée doesn't just mean friend, and that when you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

  • A Lovely Time

    Just a little something I managed to write up while I was bored. Risa and Otani havin' a mite of fun s'all. Reviewing and rating would be much appreciated, thank you very much. Not too many flames, please. and the T is for some harsh and suggestive language. A few minor OC's Master of the Domain signing off! )

  • Truth, Dare OR Card GAMES? on ze motorcycles, of course

    So this is just a little dabbling in the dark arts for the fun of it. The first chapter may be a bit empty, but it'll get better as time goes on. As always, ratings and reviews are appreciated. Not too many flames though. Thanks! – Master of the Domain…