
  • Freak Nation Pt 2: After the Dark

    Follow-up to Something More Than Human. When the whole of America is plunged into darkness, Stiles and his fellow second generation transgenics finally escape the evil clutches of Manticore. Free at last, Stiles is desperate to return to his home, his father, and the man he loves. Only the world isn't the same anymore. 2/2. Multiple ships. No-beta.

  • Samhain: The Scent of Moonlight

    On Samhain night Stiles heads into the Beacon Hills Preserve hoping to draw the attention of a werewolf mate. He doesn't honestly expect to be chose but its mandatory. - When he wakes up alone at dawn; he's resigned to a life free of supernatural influences. Of course that's before he meets Derek Hale.

  • Its Not Our Time: Beware Promises of Always

    When Dean Winchester was saved from Hell by an angel he'd never expected where it would lead him. He spent a year ignoring the strange connection he had with the creature until he almost lost him. Now he's going to make the most of his life, for as long as he has one. Which means finally admitting to his feelings and asking Castiel to fallen even further and marry him. [M/M Sex.]

  • Unrequited Sabriel: Dreams Are The Salvation of A Soul

    Unable to distinguish between the real world and his disillusions, Sam finds sanctuary in his dreams with the most unlikely of people. When the pressure of holding Lucifer at bay becomes too much and Sam finally breaks, will Gabriel be able to hold him together long enough for Dean to save him? WARNING: References to Rape.

  • Unrequited Sabriel: There Are No Lies, Only Truths Not Yet Told

    While moving his things into the Men of Letters bunker, Sam finds the forgotten Casa Erotica DVD. While Dean heads off to help Garth on a job, Sam decided to take a few moments to himself with a guilty pleasure. But the DVD holds more than a busty blonde businesswoman and her Hungarian waiter. It hold a secret that will change Sam's life forever. [Sabriel References]

  • Unrequited Sabriel: Masquerade

    Sam Winchester thought he knew who Katherine Graves was. He was wrong. After spending a night with Gabriel, Sam struggles to deal with the truth of his past connection to the Archangel, and the feelings their illicit night together as awakened in him.

  • The Internship: Sterek Style

    AU. Future Fic. Where Stiles heads to Google for the Intern program and finds himself coming face to face with the past, and having to contemplate his future. Stiles is Stuart/Stuart is Stiles. Slash.

  • Unrequited Sabriel: What Rough Beasts Our Sins Make

    In the aftermath of Jo and Ellen's death, Gabriel goes to see Sam, only to end up in a fight with him...again. But when Sam calls him for his help, Gabriel is forced to face the destiny he always knew was his. Slash. Gabriel's POV.

  • Unrequited Sabriel: Chimes At Midnight

    While in New York on a case, Sam and Dean decides to blow off at a bar, where Sam find himself coming face to face with his high school sweetheart Katherine, Graves. But is she all she seems? - Meanwhile: Convinced that he's not going to survive what's to come, Gabriel decides he have one last hurrah and act of his feelings. - With surprising consequences. Gabriel's POV