
  • Arrangement

    Daphne's parents, may their bad judgement be forgiven, have arranged their daughter to be married. Daphne, not quite the obedient daughter her parents still believe her to be, makes her own arrangements. Sometimes, getting what you want is easier than figuring out what it is that you want. Sometimes it is not, and some things are better left undiscovered.

  • Bored Of You

    Draco wants to dump Hermione but things do not go according to his plans and somehow he ends up in a situation where getting beaten by Potter and Weasley actually sounds like a good idea.

  • The Wrong Weasley

    Parvati came to the wedding, determined to ruin it and the life of Ron, only to get trapped in the broom shed with the wrong Weasley. As to Charlie, well, he really shouldn't have said that about his twin brothers.

  • To Catch a Fleeting Moment

    A collection of stories. Brief glimpses into different lives at different times.

  • Jingle Snape

    Fred and George have a plan. If everything goes according to it, there shall be a Christmas version of Professor Snape that everyone would like better. Except for Snape, possibly.

  • A Matter of Principle

    On the last day of school before the winter holidays, Hermione happens to be in a particularly cheerful mood. But when she has to face an arrogant Malfoy, ill-humoured Snape, and strangely behaving McGonagall, her Christmas spirit is put to the test.

  • Strawberry

    Collection of 100word drabbles on different topics. Random, crazy, and hopefully amusing.

  • Bathroom Break

    Fred and George had warned him against patrolling in the far end of the dungeons, where no one could hear his screams. Perhaps he should have listened. But then, he wouldn't have met her.

  • Round and Yellow

    What is round and yellow and goes bouncing down the stairs?

  • The Founding of Pigwarts III: Chaos Is Served

    It began as a way of killing time. Then came Ginny and Daphne, and the result was a chaos called Pigwarts, a school where both teachers and students have to fight for their sanity, and against the evil schemes of everyone else. Or hide under their beds.

  • Maybe Next Year

    I should mark down the date, she mused. Perhaps it was a "Give Daphne Flowers Week" that I was not aware of.

  • Run in the Sun

    Daphne is running in the sand.

  • Run in the Dark

    Daphne is running through the park.

  • Marrying Harry

    Hermione wants a quiet morning in the Library. Harry wants revenge. Colin wants to go out with Parvati. They all get what they want. Except for Colin.

  • Better Than Dragons

    Charlie knew that throwing Hermione and Ron together with Parvati and Lavender might end bad. However, he hadn't expected things to turn this bad. Sequel to The Wrong Weasley.

  • Everything To Lose

    [Complete] There are worse things than death. But sometimes you just can't afford to die. Because sometimes it would cost you more than your life. Sometimes it would cost you everything. PostHogwarts, HBPcompatible, HGDM

  • Century

    Old love doesn't rust. But what about old revenge? Hermione knows how to be patient.

  • The Founding of Pigwarts II: Cooking Chaos

    When the recipe for chaos is ready, someone should go ahead and cook it. With the help of boredom, alcohol, and a victim.. erm.. accomplice, Ginny Weasley, soon to be Potter, is just the right person. Third part up: Chaos Is Served

  • Afternoon Tea

    Cozy armchairs, good company, tea and biscuits, what more could you want? Perhaps a bit of matchmaking and sticking your nose into other people's business to make it so much more amusing. Oneshot

  • That Fateful Night

    After the end of the war Hermione and Draco are looking forward to a life full of happiness, peace, and love. But one of them has a secret that has potential to ruin everything. Are they strong enough to overcome it or will it destroy them both?