
  • Save Them

    Cerelia was on holiday in San Francisco when the Simian Flu broke out. She lost her mother to it and then the borders closed, trapping her. Things seem hopeless, but then Cerelia is given a chance to save not only her life, but the entire world. Set just before and during Dawn of The Planet of The Apes.

  • Victor And Vladimir

    Set in a parallel, almost identical universe just after the deaths of Frankenstein's relations. Elements of Greek Myths, Shakespeare and Vampyr Legion by Alan Gibbons. Dracula/Hecate, Dracula/OC, Ernest/OC, Ernest/Hecate, Frankenstein&Dracula friendship, Robert van Helsing&Adam (monster) friendship . Rated T for violent themes, all characters belong to their original creators.

  • The Game's End 2: A Rose And A Storm

    The story of Clemaria Tyrell, fighting to be the Queen of Westeros, and her part in bringing about an end to the Game of Thrones. Margaery/Tommen, Garlan&OC friendship. Rated T for violence.

  • Trying To Reach You Before It's Too Late

    Now a two-shot. What if Sixsmith had got to Frobisher in time? What if Sonmi and Hae-Joo hadn't died? Spoilers for both the book and film.

  • An Unsolvable Riddle

    What if, the first time Voldemort fell, he left two children behind? How will they cope growing up without him, which side will they choose when he returns, and what will they do when they ultimately lose him forever?

  • The Maia

    Set eleven years after the downfall of Sauron. On a scouting mission, the youngest member of Faramir's men discovers something among the wreckage of Mordor.

  • The Game's End 1: A Thorned Rose

    The story of Nina Flowers, the illegitimate daughter of Mace Tyrell, and her part in bringing about an end to the Game of Thrones. Rated T for violence and possible strong language. Viserys/OC, Daenerys&OC Friendship.