
break me like a promise

  • old photos and coffee stains

    it's like they have forever at their very fingertips. or, the next generation in 33 ways

  • all those who wander

    she's broken and torn to pieces and she's running, like she always is./ next-gen character-centric per chapter, for why the caged bird sings's globetrotter drabble challenge; one: lily; two: dominique; three: lucy; four: molly; five: albus

  • we are broken

    "I don't always know what's going on," he says carefully. "Me, either, James." / Dominique and James, and the aftermath of Fred's death.

  • because it matters

    "Lucy, I can't. I can't do this to you. You're getting married for Christ's sake." / lysander and lucy and lorcan, colliding.

  • cold sheets

    "I love you," he whispered, but it felt fake, just like always. / unrequited TeddyLily

  • sooner or later

    "Why don't you just tell her you love her so you don't have to keep telling me about it?" / Molly and Lysander need some help from their siblings to realize what's really going on between them.

  • against

    She thinks, maybe they shouldn't have gone swimming in the Black Lake last June after she broke up with Ron. Maybe then they would not have gotten caught out after hours. Maybe she wouldn't have made a joke about it being his fault and maybe he would have kept his fists to himself. / Lavender, struggling to keep her head up.

  • structure

    James is just an architect and she is just the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. /JamesII/OC

  • than the stars

    Her eyes are the color of the night sky- lucylorcan

  • their twisted fate

    and sin drips off her lips as you kiss them, but that doesn't really matter anymore, does it? /or, next-gen cousincest drabbles.

  • who seeks shall find

    Maybe it's because she's read Oedipus too many times that she can't be bothered with morals or whatever when she throws herself at him. /because grief makes people do crazy things/ ROSE&JAMES

  • clarity

    "Lily, why are we doing this?" / She can't leave him in the dust again; can't leave him to pick up the pieces of the glass she shatters every single time. / LilyTeddy, crashing together, again and again.

  • fated stars

    "It's your fault that you miss me, and it's your fault I left." / "What are we?" / jamesdominiquescorpius, colliding, breaking, and falling together.

  • two worlds

    two seperate worlds, two people different as day and night. but when they meet, both worlds stop. daphne/fred, freeverse, for mew and morghen's weird pairings competition 2012.

  • ice burns, too

    so what she settles for ice? rose/astoria, and credit for the pairing goes to mew and mor.

  • maybe for another thousand years

    and maybe they could stand each other for a little while longer. fang/sorting hat, credit to mew and morghen.

  • i'm with you

    and they torture her in the night, the demons, so she turns to him, only him. lucy/louis

  • Her Knight in Shining Armor

    you never realized he was your knight in shining armor. ron/hermione, through the years

  • cause even the stars, they burn

    because sometimes, people like the wrong people more than they should. draco/lilyii

  • ignite me, beautiful

    lily burns a warpath right through teddy's heart, some days.