

  • He used to be

    A really short thing I wrote about pre-CATWS HYDRA Bucky(so basically Winter Soldier before meeting Steve again) and I guess it's considered poetry. Very angsty, but quite short. I ship Stucky, but this could also just be brotp. Enjoy

  • An Unexpected Find

    Still working in another huge story too, but will update this frequently. Stucky! Clintasha! kind of fluff, a little angst, romance, a lot of humor, hurt/comfort, basically a little of everything. noslash Post CA:TWS. T for language

  • It wasn't like that

    A quick fluffy story. Not sure if I'll do another chapter, so I'll leave it in-progress. Stucky!

  • Perspective

    A chapter about how other characters see Bucky and Steve's relationship.

  • Cast No Shadow

    A one chapter songfic to Cast No Shadow by Oasis.

  • It's Bucky, right?

    Bucky comes back into the world: his PTSD still bothering him. But is he ready to be among normal people? STUCKY:) Captain America/Bucky Rated T for language. Fluff