
  • These Fractured Minds

    There are always those that are burdened with memories. They can never forget those that are gone. But even if they aren't ready, the cycle is about to start all over again. The 124th Hunger Games is just around the corner, and there's no telling what that could mean for Panem. SYOT open!

  • Our Dreams Which Haunt

    In a world full of secrets and corruption, the 123rd Hunger Games will leave aftershocks that ripple through Panem in a way that no one saw coming. Just under the surface, something evil is lurking, ready to tear the districts apart for good. There's nothing more frightening than having a dream come true...

  • The 8th Quarter Quell: Without a Choice

    "On the anniversary of the 200th Hunger Games, as a reminder to the rebels that the Capitol controls everything, your allies will be assigned after the reapings. You must stay with those allies until you're the last ones left, and you cannot change allies." There won't be any Careers this year...

  • Discovering Destiny

    Alex had grown up working in her father's bookstore, never thinking that her life would amount to much. Well, at least up until the moment she met the ninja and discovered that she and her friend, Nikki, were kunoichi destined to save the world along with three others and a sorceress. Rated T for blood and cussing. NinjaxOCs, JayxNya Please read and review!

  • They're Gone

    Nya and Lloyd are walking through the graveyard, reflecting on memories of loved ones. Jay/Nya, NOT Lloyd/Nya T because I'm paranoid. WARNING: CHARACTER DEATH!

  • The Ninja Trials

    Five years into the future, Serpentine rule the land and are forcing everyone between 10 and 30 (if selected) to be in the newly dubbed 'Ninja Trials.' There can only be fout victors, two male, and two female. Who can pass the ultimate trial of life vs death?

  • Evil Has Won

    The final battle is over. Evil has won. Kai is the only ninja able to escape, and now must embark on a quest to find five more ninja. The countdown to a new final battle has started. But most of all, how will Kai be able to cope with the memories of his friends when he trains the new female ninja? T because I'm not quite sure how violent it will get. New poll! Vote now!

  • Ways to Die

    In short, the Overlord wins and bad things happen. WARNING: Character death. (Duh) To be read with tissues.

  • Movie Night

    The ninja and friends have a movie night! They're watching Catching Fire, what do they have to say about it?

  • Dilemmas

    Just a one shot about ninjas and their problems. Lloyd's bored, Sensei wants some tea, Jay wants to fix his sparring bot, and Kai and Cole are hungry. IMPORTANT AN at the end.

  • Summer Dreams

    Jessica has always dreamed of going to Marty Oppenheimer's School of Performing Arts, but what happens when a certain son of Lord Garmadon gets in her way? Will the show go on? Or will she stop her entire life-her dreams and all-just to stay with him? T because I'm paranoid.